Thursday, August 3, 2023

Next Up....the Kaye E. Barker

 I went up to Port Huron on Sunday.  It was a nice enough day.  I saw that there was at least one ship passing that I was interested in catching.

The ship in question was the Kaye E. Barker.
She is one of a few classic lakers that are left on the Great Lakes.
The classic laker is the ship with the pilothouse mounted on the front.
I'm honestly not sure whey they do it this way.
One theory I heard was that it was easier in the fog that often appears on the Great Lakes.  You can still the bow of the ship.
It might also be easier to see any debris in the many rivers they use.
Anyway, it looks nice, I think.
Plus they usually have better lines than the newer ships.
I think she was coming down from Marquette.
Which means that she had a load of taconite.
That also means that she is heading down to Dearborn.
It wasn't particularly windy, so I was able to take the drone up.
I think I like this shot.
Trying to get more of a shot of her.
Pulling back to  get the beam shot.
The beam shot (mostly).
She continues down the river.
From this point, it is about 7 hours to her destination.

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