Friday, August 18, 2023

The Mesabi Miner Passes Detroit

 So this was the first ship I wanted to catch.

I think she came down from Duluth but I'm not sure.  For some reason, Marine Traffic will show if they stopped at Sault Ste Marie before coming down.
Since every ship does, it almost always blocks the initial port they started at.
At any rate, she was heading down to Cleveland.
And that means that she was carrying a load of taconite.
This would be taken to the bulk terminal.
It would then be taken down to the steel mill by smaller ships.
That seems like a fairly efficient way of doing things.
Especially since the the Mesabi Miner couldn't make it down the Cuyahoga River.
Well maybe it could....
Anyway, it was a nice day but fairly windy.
She looked nice from the drone.
One more shot.

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