Tuesday, August 1, 2023

The Saginaw Makes an Appearance

 So this is the the ship that really got me to go down to Detroit on Saturday.  I like it when I can catch classic lakers and this is one of them.

The Saginaw was going to one of the docks in Windsor.  I presume it was one of the stone docks because she was coming down from one of the stone ports.
Since the one stone dock was occupied by the Baie Comeau, it had to be the one that was almost in front of Riverside Park.
It was still a nice day but a little on the warm side.
The lighting was nice though.
It wasn't too warm, so I wasn't getting any heat haze.
The bow shot.
She makes a turn for the channel.
I kind of like pictures here because there isn't much backdrop to  them, so it is just the ship.
Another shot.
She starts to pass Windsor.
Switching to my drone.
The Westcott at her side and delivering something.
I kind of like this shot.
Especially with the clouds.
The Westcott leaves her.
the Westcott heads back to the dock.
The Saginaw continues the brief trip down the River.
the beam shot.
The Gordie Howe Bridge in the middle.
She starts to make her turn for the other side.
It's amazing watching these ships make their turns.
I was hoping to catch her as she was going into the other side with my drone, but I didn't have enough battery.
So I switched to my camera.
She passes the Baie Comeau.
Starts to approach the dock.
Her self unloader coming out.
Her stack.
Her pilot house.
she starts to unload.

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