Monday, September 4, 2023

The Alpena Comes to Detroit

 This was the first of two ships that I was waiting for.

The Alpena was coming down from Alpena with a load of cement.
She was delivering that cement to the cement plant next to Del Ray.
She has been busy on the western end of the state, so I was happy to see her coming this way.
Other than being hot, it was a pretty nice day out.
She passes Windsor.
Another shot.
I was going to take some shots with my drone here but it was giving fits again.  So I brought it back and was able to get some shots with my little lens.
She continues down the river.
After taking pictures of the next ship, I headed over to Del Ray to get some drone shots.
she was already docked at the cement plant.
I love that I am able to get many different angles.
Looking above from the front.
Looking above from a different angle.
Coming in lower.
Another bow shot.
I like this angle.
A picture of everything around her.

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