Saturday, October 14, 2023

A Stop at Fallasburg Today

 After catching the Sykes, I thought I would head up north to see if I could see any color.  Unfortunately, I made it as far as M-46 and I started to head south. 

I didn't want to waste my drive, so I decided to stop at Fallasburg to get some pictures of the bridge.
I was about to move on when I saw that there were people taking homecoming (I assume) pictures.
I'm glad I stayed because the reflections were too perfect to pass.
Also, there was no wind, so  I could take my drone anywhere.
Looking down on the bridge.
I like this shot.
Bringing my drone back down.
I like this angle.

I like this angle more.
Again from a lower level.
To get more of the area.
I like this shot.
Again, since the people were gone.

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