Monday, October 9, 2023

A Visit to Ottawa

 So I decided to head down to Ottawa on Saturday.  It was a little windy, so I wasn't sure I would see much.  It wasn't a bad day though.

As I was coming into the park, I passed by this water lily pond.  There were quite a few egrets here.  I think they were gathering up for the trip down south.
A pair of egrets.
This one was fishing.
Then we passed this swan.
Since I was close enough, I got some shots of his head with my big lens.
I like this shot.
Another pulled out shot.
I like this shot as well.
A milkweed.
Another milkweed.
From a different angle.
The bug is a large milkweed bug nymph.
And I ended the day with a heron.

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