Monday, October 9, 2023

And Then There Was The CSL St Laurent

So I had one more ship to catch.  I think this is a cool one.

The CSL St Laurent is one of my favorites because of the mural on her pilot house.
They did it for the 150th Anniversary of Canada and the 300th Anniversary of Montreal.  But they kept it.
I hope they don't paint over it.
I'm not sure where she was coming down from.
But I'm pretty sure it was Thunder Bay because she is heading to Montreal.
The first bow shot.
The light was just about right for me.
Except when she was shadowed by the bridge.
But that wasn't too long.
she makes the turn for the channel.
The second bow shot.
She makes the turn for the rest of the way.
Probably the best view of the mural.
And then I switched to my drone.
The water was a pretty cool blue.
I kept it low.
But that made following a little more difficult.
And then she continues on her way.

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