Saturday, October 28, 2023

Catching an Eagle on the Saginaw River

 I'm posting my pictures from today out of order.  But I wanted to break up a couple of posts.  So you will get this before the next post.

I decided to head up to Bay City today.  I saw that the Herbert C. Jackson would be making her way up the Saginaw River.  I love catching ships on the Saginaw River because it is beautiful in places.
This post was kind of a bonus and thanks to a nice person that pointed out the eagles too me.  I would have missed them otherwise.
These were by the Cass Avenue Bridge in Bay City.  It kind of looks like they were fishing but they were also being hassled by seagulls.  I think I missed a shot of one catching a fish.
I love how this picture turned out.  All of these pictures are blown up from the original, so they might be a little fuzzy.
This is probably my favorite.
And one more before I had to move on.

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