Tuesday, October 24, 2023

The Algoma Buffalo Leaves Manistee

 The place I was going to ended up being Manistee.  I saw that there was a ship that was headed there in the morning and I figured I get there at about the time she was leaving.  Actually, my mom convinced me not to go to Sleeping Bear because it would be crowded.  It took a little arm twisted on her part because I kind of wanted to go there, but I don't like crowds, so Manistee won out.

So the ship in question was the Algoma Buffalo.
She is one of the four ships that Algoma Central bought from American Steamship when I was in the hospital.  She used to be known as the Buffalo and now she is known as the Algoma Buffalo.
She and the now Algoma Compass were the two ships that Algoma wanted and they ended up scrapped one of the other two.  The last of the four is currently in long term layup in Toledo.
I'm not actually sure what she was delivering though.  I'm going to guess that it was salt because I think Algoma has been using this ship to do salt runs.
Her hull seems to have evidence of that.
But I will have to admit, that this was one of the neatest places that I've photographed a ship.  I didn't realize she would be so close to me.  But apparently, this was a channel to connect Manistee Lake to Lake Michigan.
A shot of her bow.
She makes her way through the bridge.
Her Algoma Central logo.
I went to a spot by the channel entrance.  I kind of wish I could have scoped it out a little better but I'll know next time I got there.
It was a pretty cool spot though.
I was able to catch the ship as she turned into the channel.
I kind of wish I had brought my drone though.
And this wasn't too bad of a view.
Even have a little color.
Even if it was raining.
She slowly makes her way out.
I kind of like this one.
My last shot of the day.

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