Saturday, October 21, 2023

The Spruceglen Passes By

 The next one was more of a surprise because she was further away and again, I wasn't sure how much longer my light would last.

I'm not sure where the Spruceglen was coming up from but I think she was loaded.
She was heading up to Sarnia, I'm not sure if that was to unload or to go into layup until the strike is settled.
Either way, it was nice to catch her, because I don't think she's long for this world.
She is looking pretty rough but not as rough as some ships.
She passes the Gordie Howe Bridge.
I like this shot.
A little bit of fall in the background.

the almost beam shot.
She starts to pass under the Ambassador Bridge.
I like this shot.
She continues on her way.

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