Sunday, October 29, 2023

Whereupon I Catch a Train

 As I was leaving, I heard the sound of a train behind me.  

I thought it was kind of unusual, as I've never caught a train on this track.  I knew it was active because I've seen pictures from other people.

I thought it was kind of cool since it was a CSX train.
I'm not sure of its origin, nor where it was going.
But it was a long one.
I went to another spot, where I could catch it again.

This spot had a little better lighting.
But she was moving pretty slow.
One more here.
I decided to catch it in one more spot before I headed home.  I was hoping to get some trees in the background.
It wasn't too bad.
One more shot of the engine.
As it left, I ended up leaving.  I made sure that I was on the right side of the train so I could continue on.

I was hoping to catch it in one more spot, but that was a ways away and I wanted to get home, so I didn't.

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