Monday, November 20, 2023

Catching Up With the Algoma Compass

 I wanted to catch the next ship, but I didn't feel like waiting.  I saw that I still had some time to catch her on Belle Isle, so I headed over there.

It has been a while since I've caught the Algoma Compass.  She has been busy though but our times have not met up.
She is one of the ships that Algoma bought while I was in the hospital.  They put her to all sorts of uses.
She is a ship I like to catch because I used to like to catch her under her previous name too.
She is heading to Hamilton and I think she is heading from Goderich.
And  that means she is carrying salt.
But I don't think that she is necessarily going anywhere though.
Given that it was six years ago when they bought her, I think she is on another certificate.
And unlike many of the other Algoma boats, her paint looks fresh.
She continues down the river.
Sadly, I couldn't use my drone because the Lions game was going on and Belle Isle is just inside of the no fly zone.

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