Sunday, November 12, 2023

The Honorable James L. Oberstar Passes By

 I decided to go boatwatching yesterday.  I wouldn't be able to catch many of the ships that passed yesterday since they either passed much earlier in the morning or much later in the evening, I was able to catch at least one.  It was one I wouldn't mind catching, so I decided to head up to Port Huron to catch her.

The Honorable James L. Oberstar has just delivered iron ore to Dearborn.
She was heading up to Marquette, where she would pick up more iron ore.
It was a nice sunny but chilly day yesterday.  The lighting was just about perfect for me.
Since was I was getting a later start, I was almost getting into the golden hour.
I like the way the light was hitting her.
I love it with the scrubber, it makes it look like a steam ship.
Almost the bow shot.
the bow shot.
She makes her turn for Lake Huron.  I love this spot.
I love the way the steam is moving in the wind.
I didn't take my drone with me because it was a bit on the windy side.
I love the way the water looks.
Framed by the Blue Water Bridge.
She continues on.
This is probably my favorite shot of the series.
She continues on.
Her pilot house.
She kicks up some water as she heads out of the channel.  She was starting to book at this point.
She heads out to Lake Huron.
One more shot before moving on.

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