Thursday, November 23, 2023

The American Century Upbound at Port Huron

 There was one more ship coming up.  I was going to catch it a little earlier in the river but I missed her, so I decided to head back to the Blue Water Bridge.  Besides, that's a better spot anyway.

The American Century was heading up from Monroe.  I think she did a split load of coal for there and St. Clair.
But in between there and here, she made a stop at Mistersky Fuel Docks for some fuel.
She was on her way up to Superior.
She should be there sometime on Saturday.
She makes the turn for the channel.
It was starting to cloud up.
The bow shot.
I kind of wish I had brought my drone.
I kind of like this shot.
But I like this one more.
Framed by the Blue Water Bridge.
She continues on her way.
One more of the Blue Water Bridge.
This shot shows off just how big she is.
A shot of her pilothouse.
One more.
She continues on her way to Lake Huron.
For some reason, this reminds me of a Star Destroyer.

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