Monday, November 20, 2023

The Federal Dee from the Air

 As I had the drone out for the Munson, I decided that I would take some pictures of the docked ship.

First I used my telephoto lens because I like the docked look.
Especially with the cranes out.
Pulled the lens back a bit to get this shot.  As you can see, they are moving along on the Gordie Howe Bridge.  It is supposed to be finished next year.
I still had the drone out, so I started to take pictures of her.  This is probably my favorite angle.
Shifted a little bit.
Started to get some altitude shots.
For some reason, this reminds me of one of those CIA pictures
A bow shot.
This is probably my favorite angle.
Another bow shot.
Trying to get more of a straight on shot.
Pulling the drone out.
Trying to get just the ship.
An altitude shot.
I really like this one.
I had to bring my drone back to change the battery.  I get about a half hour per battery.
Pulling up a little bit.
Trying to get a view of the behind stuff.
Love the cranes.
Getting a lower shot.
One more from the bow.
And starting to return.

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