Friday, December 22, 2023

And the Iver Bright

 The next ship was following the last ship pretty closely.

The Iver Bright was heading down from Sarnia.
She passes the Renaissance Center.  I kind of like this shot when I can get it.
It was a still a bit on the hazy side.
Anyway, she was heading to Detroit.
I think there is a dock by the Mistersky Fuel Dock.
She usually carries asphalt there.
Since they've been pretty busy with the roads this year, I think the Iver Bright has been busy.
She is registered in the Netherlands.
But is one of the few salties that sticks around for the winter.
She is generally kept busy in the winter too.
She passes the Ambassador Bridge.
She is not too far from her destination.
One more shot.

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