Sunday, December 24, 2023

Messing Around on a Foggy Day

 I was going to head up to Marine City to get some pictures of ships.  It was foggy as I left the apartment but it didn't seem so bad.  Then I got on the freeway and it seemed worse, like visibility was down to a couple of blocks.  I didn't want to get up to Marine City and find out that there were no pictures to be had, so I decided to turn around.

I couldn't have no pictures today, so I decided to mess around with posing and photographing my action figures.  I tried to make it look like Stormshadow and Snakeeyes were fighting.  I kind of like this one but I'm not sure it looks like Snakeeyes blocked the shot.
Then I tried to make it look like a flying kick but I didn't have anything to stand Stormshadow on.  I ended up balancing him on Snakeeyes.  I actually like how this picture turned out.  It kind of looks like he's doing a flying kick.
A regular punch that gets block.
Snakeeyes lands a kick.
They square off.
The punch gets blocked.
He lands another kick.
Flint on the flank.
I really need to figure out how to make this whip fly out.
A closeup.
I suppose I don't the French enough love.  This is a Rafale fighter and is one of their newest.
A British Tornado.
The SR-71.
I like this shot.
And this one.
A Dutch F-16.
From the front.
I like this angle.
And this one.
An Israeli F-16.
This one has conformal tanks and I think that makes it look pretty cool.
I like this angle.
The oblique angle.
A Harrier Jump Jet.
I like this angle.
An F-22 Raptor.
I think I like this one the best.
From the top.
An E/A-18 Growler.  This is the electronic warfare version of the Hornet and it replaces the EA-6.
And one more shot.

Hopefully the weather is clear tomorrow and I can get out.

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