Sunday, December 31, 2023

My Last Ship of 2023

 It's been a tradition for me for a few years now to try to catch a ship on New Year's Eve.  I missed getting a ship when I was laid up.  There were a couple years where the weather didn't cooperate but that wasn't the case this year.

The first ship of this year was an Interlake ship, so I suppose

As you can see, it was a little foggy.  As the Tregurtha was still rounding Belle Isle, she was a little obscured.
I think the Tregurtha was actually coming down from Superior instead of her normal spot of Marquette.
She was also heading down to Toledo instead of her normal destination of Detroit.
She was delivering iron to the iron plant in Toledo.
I don't think this is the first time, nor do I think it is the last time.
She makes the turn for the rest of the Detroit River.
I think it is about 7 hours from Detroit to Toledo by ship.  The ships have to go east a little bit once they leave the Detroit River and then they head southwest to reach the mouth of the Maumee River.
I am hoping that means I'll get to see the Tregurtha as she returns upbound but I'm not sure how long the unload is for Toledo.
Anyway, it was nice to see her because she is a nice looking ship.
She is certainly a unique looking ship as she maintains some of the characteristics of her salty form.
It seems like Interlake takes care of their boats, so I think she will be around for a while.
She passes Windsor.
She passes the other part of Windsor.
An almost clean shot.
She approaches the Ambassador Bridge.
The tower in line with the bow.
She moves by fairly quickly.
The tower in the center for an almost perfect beam shot.
She starts to pass by.
The steam from her scrubbers looking good in the cool air.  I think the cool air brings it out.
A stern shot without much in the background.
The Gordie Howe Bridge in the background.
The American Mariner as she starts to fade into the fog, the Lee A. Tregurtha as she starts to pass the Bridge.
Another shot with both ships in it.
A better stern shot of the Tregurtha.  She is registered in Cleveland.
One more shot as the Tregurtha fades into the fog.

And that concludes 2023.  Happy New Year everyone and may your 2024 be fruitful.

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