Sunday, December 3, 2023

One of Those Days

 I looked at Marine Traffic last night and I saw that I had a chance to catch a few ships today.   What I didn't count on was that I was still not quite 100% and that the weather outside was miserable.  I was thinking about heading down to Detroit to catch those ships and I looked outside and saw the thick fog.  I figured it would be worse on the river and there would be no point, so I ended up staying home.  It didn't help that there was rain mixed in.  Either way, I ended up watching the Lions and that didn't really help.

Anyway, I try to get myself to do at least one picture and again I chose one of my diecast models.  This particular one is the F-35B version of the Lightning II.  It was the one that was meant to replace the Harrier and can theoretically take off vertically.  It can also hover like the Harrier, but it also sucks fuel like the Harrier when it does that.  While it looks like it uses two engines, It really uses one.  The nozzle can turn down and there is an opening in the bottom that provides the vertical thrust.  I think the vents can be adjusted so that the thrust can be angled for short take off or when you need slow speeds.

After some issues getting it launched, it seems like they are working out the bugs and it is finally seeing service.

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