Thursday, December 28, 2023

The Prentiss Brown/St Marys Challenger Makes an Appearance

 The next vessel was actually moving.

As I was about to take pictures of the Frontenac from another spot, I saw this vessel moving by.  The vessel in question was the Prentiss Brown pushing the St Marys Challenger.  The barge used to be the ship St Marys Challenger (amongst others), she was the oldest self powered freighter on the Lake at 106 years old.  I think her owners tried to save her as a freighter but found it to be economically unfeasible (I suspect she needed work in the engine room).  She was then converted to a barge and soldiers on as such.  She's not nearly as pretty as she was as a freighter but she's doing what she was built to do, so that's good I guess.

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