Tuesday, January 23, 2024

Catching the Bristol Bay in Action

It was pretty cold the last week, so some ice was starting to form.  Leading our pair of ships was the Coast Guard tug/icebreaker Bristol Bay.

I thought that was I wasn't going to see her get much closer than this.  I saw a another icebreaker working its way north and I thought that ice breaker would replace the Bristol Bay to continue south.
Fortunately, that wasn't the case as I like to see these guys in action.
Although it wasn't so much in action, as there wasn't much ice and the ships would be able to navigate this will little trouble.
You can see the subject on my next post behind her.
She continues to make way.
And another subject in the background.
The lighting was perfect for me.
She starts to pass Windsor.
Downtown Windsor in the back ground.
A relatively clean shot.
One more before moving on to the next ship.

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