Sunday, February 18, 2024

A Return to Ottawa

 I decided to head down to Ottawa today because I found out that the wildlife drive was open.  I think it will be open one weekend a month until March or April.  It has been a while since I have been down there and I've seen some pictures on Facebook, so I was happy to go.

It was a little on the windy side so most of the birds that were there were probably hunkered down.
There was still some ice on the water, so I think many of the other birds wont be here for another month or so.
This is a trumpeter swan.
Another one.
And a pair of them.
A heron that was just standing there as I was about to leave.
And he started to leave.
As I went through the first pass, I saw an eagle in one of the nests.  I was hoping that he would be back, so I took another pass through.
He was back and the light wasn't too bad.  If I could have gotten closer on my first pass, I could have caught him flying.
I think I saw a couple more but this was the only one within camera range.
He was looking around for dinner, I think.
This is probably my favorite of the bunch.
Although this one is a pretty close second because he is looking like a fairly proud bird.
The wind was picking up a little bit and it was starting to get late, so I headed out.  I was hoping that he would take off while I was there.
A trumpeter swan on the way out.  I'm am hoping that I can get up north next week to get some pictures of the snowy owls but we will see.

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