Monday, February 26, 2024

Seeking the Snowy Owl

 I had the day off today, so I decided to go looking for snowy owls.  I wasn't confident I would find any but I saw pictures on Facebook.  I decided to head up to Fish Point since that is where I usually see them.

I didn't see any snowy owls but I did see quite a few red wing blackbirds.  Normally, I wouldn't do a picture like this but I liked the cattails.
Most people call the robin the harbinger of spring but I think a few of those stay behind for the winter.  When you see them come spring, usually those are the ones until you see lots of them.
I consider the red wing blackbird the harbinger of spring because they are generally one of the first birds to come back and one the first birds to leave.
Because they leave the earliest, you are not likely to see ones that wintered over.  So when you start seeing them, spring is around the corner.
I also like them because they are very regal looking birds.
I liked this guy.
I love the colors.
They have a very unique song too.
I was able to get a few pictures.
I like this one.
But I think this was my favorite of the bunch.  I might try to go see snowy owls this weekend but I'm not confident.

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