Sunday, March 10, 2024

My Continuing Quest for the White Wha...err, Owl

 I decided to go to see if I could see the snowy owl at Willow Run again tonight.  It was sunny enough but it was a bit on the windy side.  Therefore, I wasn't sure if I could see it.  Plus, there is a good chance he's decided to head back up to the Arctic.

No owls but I did see these turkeys.
I was kind of surprised he stuck around for pictures.  Usually they head for the woods as soon as I stop.
After a few trips around the airport and a trip to the other airport because I thought I could catch some planes on the 27s, I stumbled across a herd of deer.
Again, I was surprised at how long they stood around.  I thought they would beat feet for the woods.
I kind of like this shot.
And one more of a pair of deer with one being fairly vigilant.

I didn't catch the owl.  I'm coming to the conclusion that it probably isn't going to happen this season.  But I guess I will keep the knowledge that there was one at Willow Run this year.  Usually they return to the same area as before, so maybe I will see one next year.

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