Saturday, April 20, 2024

A Cold, Blustery Day With the Algoma Equinox

I was kind of waffling about whether or not I wanted to go out and do anything.  The sky didn't look like it wanted to cooperate and I was thinking of staying home.  But then I decided it would be good to get out.  I haven't been posting a ton on my blog and I feel like I should do more.  So here goes.
When I got in the car, the temperature said it was 40 degrees out but it felt a little colder.  I wasn't sure on timing, so I headed to Belanger Park.  That seems to be the last decent spot that I can catch a ship on the Detroit River.
They were doing some work on the main parking lot, so it almost looked like I wasn't going to get a parking spot but I managed to find one.
First up was the Algoma Equinox.
She was headed to Sorel, Quebec.  I'm not exactly sure where that is but it is a bit of a journey.
I think she was heading down from Thunder Bay.
And that means she is carrying grain.
I like this angle.
The beam shot.
She meets the next ship.
Two ships passing on the Detroit River.
The last picture before switching over.

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