Tuesday, April 9, 2024

Life Is Just a Fantasy, Revisited

 On Saturday, I decided that there were a couple of ships that I wanted to catch.  Well, there was at least one ship that I wanted to catch, so I headed up to Marysville in order to catch her.

I think she was heading up from Nanticoke.  That is usually the spot where she heads from.
I think she is usually carrying either asphalt or fuel oil.
She was heading up to Sarnia which meant that I wouldn't be able to catch her at the Blue Water Bridge.  That's okay, this isn't that bad of a spot.
It was also a nice day, although a little on the windy side.
Not so windy that I couldn't have brought my drone.
Not sure the duck that is passing her.
Anyway, my title is based on the band Aldo Nova which is close to her name.
Aldo Nova was a Canadian band in the 80s.  They had a hit in the form of a song called "Fantasy".  I think they had one more but that name eludes me.
The beam shot.
And she continues on her way to Sarnia which is not too far from this spot.

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