Monday, April 1, 2024

The Wilfred Sykes on the Rouge River

 As I said in the last post, I saw that the Wilfred Sykes was paying a visit to the River Rouge Steel Mill.  I wasn't sure if I would be able to catch her because my mom had a doctor's appointment.  She canceled, so I headed down to the Rouge to catch the Sykes.

I wasn't sure if I was going to have enough time because she was at the mouth of the Rouge when I decided to leave.  So I headed to Fort Street first.
When I got to Fort Street, I saw that she had gone slightly past the Rouge River and was turning around to head into the Rouge.  I decided to head to the Jefferson Avenue Bridge to catch her.
It didn't take too long but I was able to get her.  Here she is passing the Iver Bright which was delivering something to Detroit (I'm guessing asphalt).
I love catching the Sykes because she is a beautiful ship.
I think it is her colors that make here so.
But it also seems like her company takes care of her.
She usually doesn't come over this way but this is the second times this season that she has been up the Rouge River.
And based on asking one of the crew members, she's going to be down this way again.  Based on transit times, she will probably be back Friday or Saturday.  I'm hoping Saturday because I will try to catch her again.
She's getting closer to the Bridge.
A shot of her pilot house.
I headed back to the Fort Street Bridge.  Of the spots on the Rouge, this is probably the easiest to use my drone because there aren't any wires crossing here.
She was taking her time getting up the river because there was a ton of train traffic on this bridge.
But it calmed down and she continued on her way.
My batteries were fully charged, so I could get some pictures that I've wanted to get for a while.
This is a pretty cool looking bridge and I was happy to get pictures of the Sykes passing it.
The sun was just about perfect.
I kind of like the lighting.
One more close up.
I had to pull away for refueling and rearming.
So I shot from the other side of the Jefferson Avenue Bridge.
This is a pretty cool looking bridge but it's a shame they couldn't fix the old bridge.
I got a little lower because I like this angle from the drone better.
She comes up to the Bridge.
I pulled up a little bit.
She is just about passing.
One more here before moving on.
I finished my day at the Dix Avenue Bridge.
This is probably one of the better spots to catch a ship on the Lakes.
You get a fairly close up view of the ship.
The background is fairly cool.
And I didn't realize that you could see the Gordie Howe Bridge.
A group of cormorants in front.
An application of the bow thruster to get the position right.
She gets closer.
A shot of her pilot house.
I like this angle.
Another shot of her pilot house.
She gets closer.
Another application of her bow thruster.
She is just about to pass the bridge.
One more shot of her pilothouse before moving to the other side.
Waiting on the other side, she peeks through.
her pilothouse.
Her bow thruster symbol.  According to some online, that means she is part of the Illuminati.
Some of crew in back of her pilothouse.
Another shot.
Her plimsoll lines.  I think the lakes are a little lower this year.
One of her holds.
Her stack.
She starts to make the turn for her slip.
Her flag flying.
I like this shot.
Some cormorants passing.
One more shot before heading off.

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