Sunday, May 19, 2024

A Visit to Ottawa National Wildlife Refuge

 I decided to head down to Ottawa today.  It has been a while since I've been there as well.

I think this is a Slider and not a painted turtle but I'm not sure.  I like the picture well enough, I just wish I didn't have grass in the way.
A heron.  This was a better angle than I first saw.
I was able to get a few shots of him.
Just none fishing.
Seems like there is always an eagle here.
It's pretty cool and I wonder if they are off the endangered list yet.
It seems like they should be but still protected.
And I was able to catch this egret flying.
One more shot.
Another heron.
And another egret.
Again, I like this shot well enough, I just wish the grass wasn't in the way.
A tundra swan family.
Another shot.
I assume this is just the mom.
A group of egrets.
I like this shot.
And I leave you with a heron.

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