Sunday, June 16, 2024

A Jet Flies Overhead

 I'm not even sure what flight this was and I normally don't take plane pictures this far away but I wanted to make a point.

There are many things that I thought were settled at one time.  The first one that I found out about was creation versus evolution.  I don't believe in creation but I believe that both can co-exist.  My belief on creation was that it was an early attempt to explain our origins.  But anyway...

The next one that I found out was the anti-vaccine folks.  I didn't realize they were as prevalent as they were.  I think they were still staying on the fringes until COVID.  The COVID vaccine brought them out and now we are dealing with the consequences of that.

Another group that bugs me are the "chemtrail" folks.  They are the ones that think what I am seeing in this picture is the government spraying some sort of chemical on the people.  First of all, no commercial plane has the capacity to carry all the passengers they carry, the luggage and the fuel to get them there in addition to whatever these chemicals would be.  I figured it out one time that in order to see a trail as long as you can see them, a KC-135 would have to be with the plane.  Not to mention that planes are flying fairly high in the air and any chemicals would be well dispersed by the time they hit the ground.  That apparently is not enough for these people.

Now I am finding out about the people who are against pasteurization.  In fact, there is a bill in Congress to allow it.  If you want to sell it or give it people you know, more power to you but why should you be able to sell it beyond that.

Anyway, it just seems like there has been a pretty strong anti-science contingent since COVID.  I don't see anything that is going to change that soon.

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