Sunday, June 9, 2024

Catching the Alpena Today

 I saw that the Alpena would be making an appearance today.  So that was my plans for today.

I didn't get up early enough to catch her as she was passing Port Huron but I know that I would be able to catch her as she was passing Detroit.
Especially since her destination was listed as Detroit.
She was coming down from Alpena.
She had a load of cement for the cement plant that is sitting next to Del Ray.
I was actually hoping that I would be able to get some drone shots of her but the wind was a little on the strong side.
I probably could have used my drone but the wind was pretty variable.  When I went plane watching a little later, the planes were having trouble in it.
It was still a nice day but it was starting to get a little grayer.
She passes Windsor.
The almost beam shot.
She is just about to pass under the Ambassador Bridge.
I kind of like this shot.
She passes the bridge.
She continues down the river and starts to make her move for docking at the cement plant.
One more shot before the next ship.

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