Sunday, June 23, 2024

Something You Don't See Everyday

 As I was getting ready to leave after catching the Sykes, I checked Marine Traffic to make sure there wasn't nothing else close.  I looked and I saw a pair of tugboats.  They were in a position that made me think it was a scrap tow.  I didn't hear about any scrap tows, but I was curious.

The lead tug is the Meredith Ashton.  She is owned by Andrie out of Muskegon.
The barge is known as the Progress and was built by Fincantieri Shipbuilding in Sturgeon Bay, Wisconsin.
I had no idea was this was, so I decided to look it up online.
Turns out that it is a Liquid Nitrogen Gas bunker barge and is heading to Savannah, Georgia, I believe.
Or she is registered there.  She will be largest Jones Act compliant barge of this type.
She will carry 12,000 cubic meters of gas.
She will be used to fuel LNG capable ships all along the east coast.
She will be owned by Shell Oil and chartered to Crowley Marine.
She is 415 feet long.
This tug has her destination listed as Port Colborne.  I think that means she will be transferring the barge to another tug.
At any rate, the sky looked pretty cool.
I'll have to say this barge looks pretty cool too.
Does not look like it is articulated though.
She is being pushed by the Wyatt C which is owned by McKeil Marine.
It's a pretty nice looking tug.

And I got my drone out.
The Meredith Ashton.
Another shot of her.
The barge.  I should have went a little higher.
the pusher tug.
She is a nice looking tug too.
The pair pass by.
And one more shot.

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