Wednesday, August 21, 2024

A Brief Stop at Bishop Airport

 Bishop Airport is in Flint, Michigan and was first built in 1928 after General Motors board member Arthur Bishop donated 220 acres of his farmland to build the airport.  It is the third busiest airport in Michigan after Detroit and Grand Rapids.

It is serviced commercially by Allegiant Airlines.  American and United have regional connection flights to Chicago O'Hare.  Delta suspended service after COVID and hasn't restarted.

I was at a nearby place to look at some parts but it's parking lot gave me a pretty good view of the airport.  Unfortunately, I only had my iPhone with me, so the pictures aren't the greatest in quality.

A Diamond plane after take off.
This Allegiant A320 was taking off.  It was heading off to St. Petersburg.
This Cessna 172 was doing touch and go landings.

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