Saturday, August 10, 2024

Catching Up With the Calumet

 This is another ship that I wasn't sure I would get.  I thought it was going to be darker before she passed and I was about ready to give up on catching her.  Then I saw her coming around Belle Isle.

The Calumet in a ship I haven't seen a while.  She is usually passing when I can't catch her.
This time she was coming down from Drummond Island.
I believe that means she was carrying a load of stone.
She was taking that stone to Fairport which is between Cleveland and Ashtabula.
I like catching these ships because they remind me of military ships.
She was being approached by the M.S. Westcott.
She passes Windsor.
I like this shot because it is relatively clean.
She approaches the Ambassador Bridge.
I like this shot with the lit up bridge.
The Westcott pulls away.
A classic Detroit shot.
She continues down the river.
She approaches the Frontenac.
One more shot.

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