Saturday, August 3, 2024

The Patagonman Makes an Appearance

 The first ship that I saw was a salty.

The ship in question was the Patagonman and she is owned by the Bulkship Management Company of Norway.
Like many of the foreign vessels that we see on the Great Lakes, she is flagged elsewhere.  In this case, she has a Singapore registry.
She is being approached by the M.S. Westcott to do a pilot change.  The Ambassador Bridge area is a pilot change area.
She is 492 feet long and 78 feet wide which means she can fit in the Welland Canal.
She loaded in Milwaukee but I am not sure what she loaded.
She is headed to Portbury which is in Great Britain.  She isn't due to arrive there until August 18th.
She was built in China in 2012.
She is similar to many of the other salties we see on the Lakes.
The start of a pilot change.
I think you can see the pilot climbing up the ladder.
And then I switched to my drone.
Trying a different angle.
The pilot boat still at her side.
I kind of like this shot.
She starts to move down the river.
Another angle.
The beam shot.
And the pilot boat starts to pull away.
An exchange of horns and the pilot boat is off.
She continues down river.
A shot with the Gordie Howe Bridge.

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