Saturday, September 21, 2024

The Lee A. Tregurtha on the Rouge River

 I ended up going to bed early last night and as a result, I was up early this morning.  I saw that the Lee A. Tregurtha was making her way to the Rouge River, so I decided to head over there to get some pictures of her.

I couldn't catch her anywhere else on the river, so I headed to the Dix Avenue Bridge.  It was early enough in the morning that I had the river to myself.
But it was also early enough that I was shooting into the sun.  I should have gone to the other side of the where I would be at least shooting at an oblique angle to the sun. So it wouldn't have been as bad.
Well lessons learned, I guess.  I switched over to shooting in manual mode so I would get a better read on the hull.
Unfortunately, I was still getting some lens flare in my shots.  I guess I will just call myself J.J. Abrams.
I like this shot a little better.
One more of this angle.
A shot of the pilot house and she proudly shows off her World War II ribbons.
And then I went to the other side of the bridge.  This time I was shooting with the sun.
She passes by.
Her hatch crane.
Her Plimsoll lines.  She's not as loaded as she was earlier though.
One of her cargo hatches.
She moves towards the steel plant.
I like this shot.
One of her boats.
Her name on the hull.
Her stack.  I think Interlake may be the oldest shipping company on the Lakes but I'm not 100% sure.
Old Glory.
She makes the turn towards her slip.
A stern shot.
One more shot before catching the next thing.

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