Saturday, April 24, 2010

Eastern Michigan Vs Western - Baseball

Another reason I got the long lens was for sports photography. Hockey or football are probably my favorite sports but baseball is my favorite to take pictures of. The Tigers weren't in town but the Eagles were, so I decided to stroll down to Oestrike Stadium and get some pictures of the team.

I caught the end of the first game of a double header (Eastern lost that one) and part of the next game. (Eastern won that one)

A shot of the Western pitcher. He pitched a pretty decent game, but was relieved at the last out of the 9th inning. And his relief nearly blew the game.

An Eastern player sliding into third safely.

A shot of the hitter.

An Eastern player sliding into second.

The Eastern pitcher in the first game.

The Eastern pitcher for the second game.

A closer shot of one of the Eastern batters.

The Eastern Michigan coach (I think).

The Western Michigan coach.

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