Saturday, April 24, 2010

More Crosswinds Marsh

Decided to go back to the Crosswinds Marsh yesterday. Was hoping to see the eagle again, but he was out doing whatever eagles do. I got some other nice pictures and some things I wasn't expecting to see.

I wasn't expecting to see trillium there, but it was nice to see. Although it wasn't quite a stand like I've seen in other places.

Not sure what kind of bird this is but since I don't have much luck getting pictures of the smaller birds, I was happy to get this shot.

Another shot I was happy to get.

And a lucky shot of a swan building her nest. The male swan was nearby but I couldn't get a picture that I liked of both of them together.

Another song bird.

A seagull in flight.

A goose family.

Another pair of small birds.

Our state bird...the robin.

I'm not sure what kind of bird this is, but I think it is an owl.

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