Thursday, June 3, 2010

Detroit Tigers Vs. Seattle Mariners

Another highlight of my trip to Seattle was a game at Safeco Field. I love baseball and wanted to see if I could get tickets to a game while I was there. It turned out that I could and it also turned out that it was going to be against the Tigers, which was doubly good.

Safeco is one of the newer stadiums in the Major League. It follows the pattern of stadiums to be more like old time stadiums. One major difference is that this one has a retractable roof (something they should have considered for Comerica). Anyways...

Here are the managers exchanging lineup cards.

This is one of the Tigers making contact with the ball.

Getting back to first after an attempted pick off.

The Seattle pitcher.

Verlander, one of the Tigers better pitchers.

Ichiro making a catch. Despite the fact that he plays for the Mariners, Ichiro is one of my favorite players.

Ichiro trying to make a hit (he ended up getting an out).

Brandon Inge as he hits a home run.

Johnny Damon trying to get a hit.

Almost an out.

A shot of a hit.

Joel Zumaya.

At about the third inning, it started to rain so I got to see the closing of the roof. Unfortunately, the rain did not make for good pictures as my lens was fogged up.

The Tigers ended up losing 5-3.

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