Thursday, June 3, 2010

Pictures of Seattle

These were just some random pictures as I was walking around Seattle. It is a pretty photogenic city with some pretty nice buildings. There is also a nice mix of modern and old buildings and it seems like they try to keep the older buildings in somewhat decent shape.

This was a bank of shops.

This is one of the friezes on a building. One thing I like when I take pictures is to get pictures of details.

Another of my favorite shots is reflections of buildings in other buildings.

A shot of downtown Seattle from the south.

Seattle's King Street Station. This is where my train came in.

A firefighter's memorial.

A shot from another angle.

I really liked this statue because it was 1-1 scale.

A totem pole.

Another pole.

Looking up at one of the neater looking buildings.

Another frieze.

Seattle at night.

This restaurant was near my hotel. Another shot I love is neon.

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