Thursday, June 3, 2010

Leaving Seattle

Sadly, it became time to leave Seattle. When I planned this trip, I knew that I would be upset that I wasn't going to spend more time in the cities I was going to. But the main part of my trip was the train trip, 2 days in Seattle was gravy in my books.

This is a shot of the inside of the station. There are plans to renovate the station to it's full glory. This is one of the sad parts of rail travel in this country. The rail companies built all these really nice depots but as rail travel declined, so did the stations. When Amtrak took over, in many cases they had to build new depots because the old ones were so deteriorated. It is pretty nice that many cities are starting to renovate their stations.

This is the ticket counter.

This is the Coast Starlight as we are preparing to board. It is also another one of the double decker trains and had quite a lot of space for the seats.

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