Sunday, October 17, 2010

Iowa Vs. Michigan - The Game

These are my pictures from the game. I didn't go into this game with high expectations because Iowa was considered to have a better defense than Michigan State. But sometimes you never know, it's all about how things match up.

The opening kickoff. Iowa won the coin toss but decided to receive.

Michigan stuffs Iowa's runner.

Michigan was able to get a three and out to open the series and had the ball. And their offense got the ball and moved pretty effectively.

It was breast cancer awareness day, so the M that is normally blue was pink.

Denard throwing a pass. I think this one was for a touchdown.

Denard getting tackled.

The Iowa running back getting the handoff. Unfortunately Michigan's defense was still Michigan's defense so Iowa was moving the ball pretty well.

Another handoff. I'd swear that my pictures of Massachusetts from the Massachusetts game looked like this.

The Drumline.

Denard running the ball again.

Stanzi passing. Iowa was passing fairly effectively too. Of course, it didn't help that Michigan was spotting some yardage from penalties.

Denard handing the ball off to Smith.

Another pass. He had one interception.

Denard making a cutback.

The band at the halftime show. At this point Michigan was down 28-7.

Since it was homecoming, the alumni band was out there.

Denard ended up getting hurt and Forcier came into the game.

Forcier making a pass. I think Forcier is a better passer than Denard. I'm not so sure his decision making is better though. He can scramble pretty well. I just hope this doesn't lead to a quarterback controversy.

The spelling of Michigan by the Cheerleaders.

The most popular man in Ann Arbor....The Defensive Coordinator Greg Robinson. Sometimes called GERG.

Rich Rod.

Shaw running with the ball.

And of course, one of my favorite shots. Sadly, I was sitting on the east side of the stadium, so I was getting glare from the sun in my shots.

Hopkins as he is about to run for a touchdown.

Forcier about to pass.

Forcier running it in for a touchdown.

Michigan tackling the runner.

The end of the game handshake.

Iowa would end up winning the game 38-28, but Michigan made it exciting by mounting a nice comeback. Sadly, the defense allowed another 10 points, so the comeback fell short. This game felt alot worse than the Michigan State game because I felt like Michigan was in this game for most of it. The score at halftime didn't reflect that but Michigan was moving the ball really well only to shoot themselves in the foot. You can't give up 4 turnovers and expect to win the game.

The defense seemed a little better in this game as they made a few key stops but they helped the team collapse as well by stupid penalties and lots of missed tackles. I felt like Michigan should have won this game but they gave it way.


  1. FYI, #2 is Smith, not Shaw.

  2. Sadly, I knew that. Thank you. It is now corrected.

  3. Good pics as always. Bummer on the sun glare. My wife got a nice pic of Bob you and me. I'll throw it up on my hobby blog sometime or email it to Andy and see if he zones it.
