Sunday, October 17, 2010

Iowa Vs. Michigan - Pregame

I went to the Michigan-Iowa game yesterday. It was actually a good game towards the end and it was a blast because the crowd really go into it. Here are some of my pre-game shots.

A couple of decked out Michigan fans. For yesterday's game, I met some people on the Pioneer High School side of the stadium. I'd neve gone that way before. It was pretty interesting (not as interesting as going down State Street though). I had some fun at the tailgate.

This is the traffic control person. It's kind of neat because she gives some Michigan facts as people are waiting to cross.

This eagle statue is dedicated to all veterans.

The team as they head into the tunnel just after practicing.

The Michigan flag team as they march on the field.

During the pregame activities.

The Drum Major as he is about to touch his head to the turf.

The team as they run out on the field and touch the Michigan banner.

Raising the flag.

The band marching off the field.

During the coin toss. Iowa won the coin toss but chose to receive the ball first.


  1. Nice pics as always. Great meeting you. Everyone had a great time.

  2. Thank you. It was nice meeting you and your wife. I hope that I can get a ticket for the hockey game in December but I'm not holding my breathe.

  3. I'm sure you could get a ticket. Just all depends how much you want to spend. Realistically though it should be way cheaper than a football ticket. Ours were 10 a piece because Bob bought a group of 15 or more. They're regularly 15 a piece.
    So even at 400% markup you're still only looking at 60$.
