Monday, October 11, 2010

Walking Around Ypsilanti

Decided to go for a walk tonight in Ypsilanti and on Eastern Michigan's campus tonight. It was a pretty nice night to do so. And it has been a while since I have walked around either place.

I really like the look of this building next to the Huron River. Especially in the fall. I've covered Peninsular Paper before on this blog. And here is the story.

The Peninsular Paper sign against the sky. You can even see a hint of the moon to the upper left.

This is a look at the building from Peninsular Park.

Looking at the one of the windows. I really liked the look of the light on the inside.

An overall look of the river and the building. I bumped down the exposure a bit because I wanted a good look of the sky.

Looking at the other side of the Huron River.

This is the Icarus statue in front of Quirk-Sponberg Theater.

This is looking at the statue from the other side so that you could see it against its proper element, the sky.

This is the Pierce Hall tower on Eastern's Campus.

This is Pease Auditorium. They restored it not too long ago.

A closer shot of the building.

Looking up at the tower.

And Ypsilanti's most famous landmark, the Water Tower.

This is another one I underexposed a bit to get a better view of the sky.

Looking up at the Tower.

Looking at the tower with the statue of Demtrius Ypsilanti.

This one I took with the flash to highlight the statue. I like how the shot turned out.

A closeup of the statue.

The dusk on the Huron River. This is probably a bit underexposed but I really wanted to capture the effect of the sky.

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