Saturday, October 9, 2010

Michigan State Vs. Michigan - The Game

These are my pictures from the game. I was a bit lower on the field than the other two games I went to this year. I think it made for some nicer pictures but the structure of Michigan stadium made it difficult on me. The first few rows aren't tapered very well so it was difficult to not get some heads in my shots. Plus I was facing the west, so I think I was getting a little glare from the sun. All in All, I think I got a couple really nice shots though.

Shaw breaking for a pretty nice run.

Denard about to throw the ball. He didn't have a very good day today though. He threw three picks but he did score a touchdown. I want to be mad but I have to remember that he is only a sophomore and if he does what he did between last season and this season, he will only get better.

Unfortunately, I wasn't quite focused for this shot because I was really ready for it but I do like it anyway.

The MSU quarterback handing the ball off. Michigan State had a pretty good game running the ball. They also had a pretty good game throwing the ball.

Another handoff.

The Michigan State flag team.

The Michigan State band. They played some songs from Richard Rodgers but not my favorite - Victory at Sea.

The Michigan Marching Band. They played some swing songs and they sounded pretty good.

The MSU quarterback making a pass.

Denard throwing a pass.

Denard throwing another pass.

The Michigan State Running back making a cut during a run.

Denard about to make another pass.

And another pass. Michigan State tried really hard to shut down his running game. I don't know if it was that or the coaching staff tried to limit his runs.

For some reason, I really like this shot.

Denard making another throw.

One of my favorite shots during a football game...The battle of the trenches. The Michigan Line didn't look as clean this game either.

Denard about to punch it in.

Another about to throw.

Denard getting tackled for loss. This was pretty rare this year.

The handshake after the game.

This was definately not one of Michigan's better games this year. They turned the ball over three times. Two of those times was in the red zone. But I have to remember that Denard is only a sophomore and is still learning. A couple of those throws were underthrown. He gets those throws and I would be happy tonight.

Sadly, this is the third victory in a row for Sparty. The last time this happened was before I was born so I'm not going to get too concerned. And there's always next year.

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