Saturday, October 9, 2010

Michigan State Vs. Michigan - Pre-Game

So I went to the Michigan-Michigan State game today. I enjoyed myself for the most part because this is the first time I'd ever been to one of the big rivalry games. I've been to Michigan games in the past (as evidenced on this blog) but I've never gone to either a State or that team from Ohio game before. It was definately a different experience for me.

This is a Michigan State Police Helicopter that was flying around the area around the stadium. Given one of my major loves and the fact that this thing flies, I had to take a picture of it.

These are some fans on State Street. This was another first for me, normally I take another way into the stadium so I'd never see the excitement on State Street.

These were a couple of revelers that asked me to take their picture. I had to oblige but unfortunately, I didn't quite have the right lens so they aren't quite in focus.

Some more partiers.

I made it to the game early enough to watch the practices and I saw this on one of the yardlines and thought it would make one of those good still life type pictures.

But this one really caught my eye. One of the players was doing stretches.

This was just an attempt to catch a player in a candid moment. This one happens to be Junior Hemingway.,

The Michigan flag girls as the band takes the field.

Marching during "The Victors". Unfortunately, people were filing in the stadium and as I tried to get a picture of the Drum Major touching his head to the turf someone bumped me and I missed the shot.

Jumping up to the banner.

This was kind of cool. They set up a target near the south endzone and he made it. He was carrying the game ball. Later on the scoreboard they showed his descent from a camera he had mounted somewhere. It was really impressive.

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