Friday, October 8, 2010

My Entries

Okay this is what I decided to enter in that photo contest. Staying within the rules of the contest, I only modified the brightness and contrast and I think that helped these pictures quite a bit. For all that gave comments, I want to thank you. Basically I can enter 10 pictures for the initial entry fee.

I added this one because I kind of like the colors. I just wish the sky was a little bluer because I think the planes would have looked fantastic against that sort of backdrop.

I decided to enter this one because it looks almost like you are coming up on it from behind and in the air.

Even though the focus is on the planes, sometimes it is nice to have a person in the shot.

I just like this one. I'm seriously considering doing this one in sepia and getting a picture made of it.

This is one I like because it's one of those odd angle shots.

This one is a pretty average shot but I like it.

This one was really helped with the slight modifications. The plane stands out more against the sky and you have a little more substance to the clouds.

This is another one I picked because of a person.

Thanks Andy, this one was really helped with a little post processing, the planes stand in stark contrast to the sky.

This is another one I picked because you usually don't see pictures of the ground stuff for the Blue Angels.


  1. These look like good selections. Good Luck!

  2. Some great photos here. I especially like the second one. On the washed out sky the plane almost looks like a model.
