Sunday, November 28, 2010

Michigan Exposures Hits the Air

I am spending the week in California this week. So these are some of my pictures from on the way over. The trip over was fairly uneventful, security wasn't so bad.

This is the plane I took from Detroit to Minneapolis. It is a DC-9.

These were a couple of planes at the gates next door. I kind of like the reddish/purplish sky of the sunrise. I think they are Airbus 319 or 320's.

I was sitting in the window seat for this part of the trip. It was kind of cool because I looked down and saw Willow Run Airport from the air.

Another shot of Willow Run with the red of the sunrise over it.

I think this is where the St. Clair River empties into Lake Huron.

Our plane took an unusual route toward Minneapolis. We went almost straight north and much to my surprise, I looked out my window and saw the familiar sight of the Karn-Weadock plants of Bay City.

This is the Leleenau Penninsula.

I'm not sure what this Penninsula is called but this is the penninsula of Wisconsin.

As we were taxiing, we passed by the Minnesota Air National Guard. These are C-130's.

A shot of the Minneapolis Tower.

A 757 on the ground.

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