Sunday, November 28, 2010

Waiting In Minneapolis

I had a little bit of a layover in Minneapolis although I didn't wander around the airport too much. These pictures were on the way from my arrival gate to my departure gate. This time they were fairly close together.

This is one of the planes hanging from the ceiling of the airport. I believe it is a later model of the Wright Flyer.

If you are a regular reader of this blog, you know that I'm a plane nut. When I am travelling, I try to make it a point to take a picture of the plane that I will be flying on. This is the plane that took me from Minneapolis to John Wayne Airport. It is an Airbus A319. I like the Airbuses although I still get a little nervous when I hear the filing sound at takeoff and landing.

As biplanes are unfamiliar ground to me, I 'm not sure what kind of of plane this is, but it is one of Northwest Airline's first planes. It was used to deliver air mail from St. Paul to Chicago.

This is another angle of this plane. It is truly amazing when you compare one of these planes to the planes out on the runway. I kind of wish they would hang a couple planes at Detroit Metro Airport. Most other airports have planes like this. The coolest would have to be the Wildcat I saw at O'Hare.

And another angle.

A closeup of the early Northwest logo. I've had a love/hate relationship but it is sad to see one of the grand-daddy airlines basically disappear. As the merger between Delta finalizes, the Northwest logo will join the logos of Pan Am, Republic, Eastern Airlines, etc.

This is another shot of a 757.

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