Sunday, June 26, 2011

The Lewis J. Kuber

Another ship that has made an appearance on this blog before is the Lewis J. Kuber. It is one of the conversion ships that I really don't like but I guess if it keeps a lake freighter afloat (sort of), it can't be all that bad.I decided to head down River Road to get home tonight. There is some pretty major construction from the Zilwaukee Bridge to the M-25 exit and with the River Roar this weekend, I didn't feel like dealing with traffic from that and the construction. It is just as well that I did that, as it gave me an opportunity to see this ship.
Unfortunately, the Saginaw River is not wide enough for me to get a full shot of the ship. But this is the part that you really need to see.
An attempt at sort of framing my shot.

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