Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Southwest Chief - Part II

The next morning found me waking up just after we passed Flagstaff. I kind of wished they would have timed the departure a little better as I would have liked to see Flagstaff. Oh well.
I think this is somewhere between Flagstaff and Winslow as these were the stops. As I said in my previous post, I wasn't sure what to expect as we would be passing through desert mostly. I'll have to say that the desert was pretty neat. Maybe not as neat as some of the other terrain I passed through but still pretty neat.
This was near the train station in Winslow, Arizona. It looked like it was possibly someone's home or something.
The Winslow Train Station.
I guess when you think of desert, you don't think of green. You think of other colors, so I was suprised to see green.
It's amazing just how much color you can see in the desert. You've got the reds of the mesa, the tans and the greens.
Another mesa. Or at least, I think that's what they are called. Also, I think this was in New Mexico.
I really love this shot.
Another shot that I kind of like.
Another nice and colorful shot.
It was amazing as we passed this train. Kind of reminds me of someone's N scale train set.
Same with this shot.
Looking at another mesa.
I really like the looks of this mountain.
I love how the desert sets off against the blue sky.
I really like how this shot shows just how vast the American Southwest is.
I didn't expect to see the variation of terrain that I saw. I was expecting mountains when we reached Colorado, but I didn't expect them in New Mexico.
This shot could be used for a Mars scene.
A dry riverbed.
Passing another train. I think around this shot, we were getting pretty close to Albuquerque.
This shot was as were coming into Albuquerque.
A shot of the engine as it is getting fueled up. This meant that Albuquerque was a longer stop which was just as well.
Kind of a shot of Albuquerque.
More desert. This time set off by some trees.
Another dry riverbed.
I really love the looks of the churches in the Southwest. Takes me back to westerns.
I really love the contrast of the trees against the red.
This one kind of reminded me of Devil's Tower.
An antelope. Unfortunately, I didn't have my bigger lens on but that was just as well because I think it would have been alot blurrier.
Some cows running away from the train.
Raton, New Mexico train station.A shot of Raton.
I believe this is La Junta, Colorado.
The sun setting over the Colorado plains.
Another shot of the sun setting.

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